Ana Maria Guguian


* 1986 in Braşov/Romania. Studied art his­to­ry in Bucharest. In Arad she joined the artists’ col­lec­tive    Biserika. There she was inspired to draw by Cristian Dârstar and Nicolae Timotei Drob at a Sefeu work­shop. She draws her sub­ject mat­ter from her imme­di­ate sur­round­ings. She is active across a wide spec­trum of forms of artis­tic expres­sion (paint­ing, instal­la­tions, per­for­mance). She exper­i­ments with diverse tech­niques and styles. This inspired her to found the Mimoza Artistică in Braşov, a plat­form for exper­i­men­tal art. Exhibitions in Braşov, Sibiu and Cluj. She cur­rent­ly lives in Braşov.

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