Andreea Chirică


* 1978 in Medgidia / Romania. Studied the­atre at the University for Theatre and Film Arts in Bucharest. While search­ing for ad slo­gans at the offi ce, she began to draw comics on the side. Her dai­ly habit quick­ly became a seri­ous occu­pa­tion. Her comics‘ sub­ject mat­ter is drawn from per­son­al expe­ri­ences, obser­va­tions and pure imag­i­na­tion. Her draw­ings are black and white, with a sin­gle pan­el per page. Her works have been seen at Comic Con in Barcelona and New York, and she was pub­lished in the Romanian jour­nal Tataia and mag­a­zines such as  Vice, Time, Capsule and Romanian Papergirl. She lives and works as a copy­writer in Bucharest.

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