Dušan Durman


* 1985 in Novi Sad / Serbia. From 1993 to 2001 he lived in Košice, Slovakia. Secondary school for graph­ic design in Novi Sad. Studied Slovakian Philology at the University of Novi Sad. Comics as a medi­um offer him the pos­si­bil­i­ty to escape from real­i­ty. He has shown his work in pub­lic spaces in Novi Sad, among oth­er places. His comics have been pub­lished in Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia. Vzlet, the youth mag­a­zine for Slovaks in Vojvodina, Serbia, has since 2010 pub­lished his sto­ry of William Henrich, a sci­en­tist research­ing the super­nat­ur­al forces and fight­ing evil. He dig­i­tal­ly colours his pen and ink draw­ings. He cur­rent­ly lives in Novi Sad. 

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