

* 1985 in Bistriţa Năsăud / Romania, where he spent his child­hood. Later he moved to the Romanian Banat region (Arad, Timişoara) and stud­ied con­tem­po­rary art and archi­tec­ture in Timişoara. One of the most active and provoca­tive Romanian street artists. His murals and graf­fi­ti can be found in all major cities in Romania. Exhibitions in Sibiu, Bucharest and New York. His pre­dom­i­nant­ly mixed-media comics address com­mon themes such as school, home, par­ents, mon­ey and women. To date they have appeared in mag­a­zines includ­ing Hardcomics, Tataia and Omagiu. He cur­rent­ly spends most of his time in Cluj, Romania. 

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