Kostja Ribnik

Kostja Ribnik

Born in 1979 in Bihać, Yugoslavia, where he grad­u­at­ed from the High School of Arts. sub­se­quent­ly, he decid­ed to be a musi­cian so he played in a few free jazz bands as a man­dolin play­er. In the past ten years he became an avid music record col­lec­tor. He also grad­u­at­ed from the University of Sarajevo with a degree in jour­nal­ism. In 2012 he start­ed mak­ing comics and pub­lish­ing them online. In 2013 he col­lect­ed eight comics he made with Ella Gall, his script writer, in a com­ic book called Glimpses of Comfort, which was pub­lished by Stripnjak Comics from Sarajevo. In 2014 the UK pub­lish­er Modesty Comics pub­lished The Healing Island, his first solo graph­ic nov­el. He is also edi­tor of Minicomics edi­tion on Stripnjak Comics. He lives in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Masterpiece Experiment