Nina Bunjevac


* 1973 in Canada. She grew up in Zemun and Niš in the for­mer Yugoslavia. Secondary school for graph­ic design in Niš. Studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto, Canada. Her family‘s par­ti­san sto­ries, south­ern Serbian fairy­tales of mag­i­cal beings as well as Yugoslav Black Wave films, among oth­er things, inspired her to retell these sto­ries in the form of comics. She trans­lates top­ics such as lone­li­ness, pol­i­tics in the Balkans and a life of emi­gra­tion into pen and ink. She has shown her work in Zagreb, Belgrade and Rome. Her comics have been pub­lished in many coun­tries through­out Europe, as well as Canada and the US. She lives and works as illus­tra­tor and com­ic book artist in Toronto.

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