Radovan Raša Popović


* 1969 in Belgrade / Serbia. Film, lit­er­a­ture and life in gen­er­al led him to comics, a medi­um that both fas­ci­nates and con­sumes him, not only as read­er. He con­stant­ly endeav­ours to make this graph­i­cal form of sto­ry­telling more pop­u­lar. He is active as pub­lish­er and edi­tor of mag­a­zines (Striper, Super) and fanzines. Founder of the fes­ti­val Novo Doba. He organ­is­es exhi­bi­tions and work­shops and has worked in the com­ic book store Beopolis. Member of Kosmoplovci and Studiostrip. His own comics, drawn dig­i­tal­ly or with the tra­di­tion­al pen and pen­cil, the­ma­tise sci­ence fic­tion, hor­ror, the occult and the weird. He lives and works in Belgrade.

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