Roma Gavrilă

© Roma Gavrilă  
  • 1985 in Deva / Romania. Stu
    died tex­tiles and fash­ion design at the University of Cluj (M.A.). Erasmus schol­ar­ship to Łodz / Poland. A work­shop at the French Cultural Centre in Cluj brought her clos­er to comics as her medi­um of expres­sion. She explores the pos­si­ble inter­faces between fash­ion design, embroi­dery, comics and fine art. Her sto­ries often take place in a dream world; she is fas­ci­nat­ed by the super­nat­ur­al and the won­drous. Numerous shows in Romania and Poland. She has pub­lished in Polish, French and Romanian fanzines, espe­cial­ly in Glorioasa Fanzină, which deci­sive­ly influ­enced the Polish fanzine Deus ex Machina. She lives and works as a graph­ic design­er and illus­tra­tor in Cluj.
Alexandra Gavrila 19