Vančo Rebac


* 1978 in Zagreb/Croatia. Studied paint­ing at the Art Academy of Zagreb. The Lavanderman comics appeared in 2008, for which he col­lab­o­rat­ed with Toni Faver (text). The main char­ac­ter, who obtains his mag­i­cal pow­ers from the laven­der plant, quick­ly became a super hero. The sto­ry of Lavanderman in his bat­tle against moths, mos­qui­toes, sleep­less­ness, dizzi­ness and headaches was filmed already in 2010. Some of the scenes were shot on loca­tion in the laven­der fields of the famed island of Hvar. Rebac spends half of his time here, and the oth­er half in Zagreb.

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