

* 1963 in Vršac / Serbia. Completed sec­ondary school for com­put­er sci­ence. Even before attend­ing school, he learned to read from comics, and they have been a part of his life ever since. He finds his role mod­els and inspi­ra­tion, how­ev­er, in oth­er artis­tic fields such as film, lit­er­a­ture and music. His comics treat such themes as hor­ror and laugh­ter. His works have been shown since the 1990s in Europe and the US, and his com­ic books pub­lished inter­na­tion­al­ly. His comics can be found in many inter­na­tion­al mag­a­zines and antholo­gies (Stripburger, Komikaze, Comix 2000, Inguine, Zone 5300 etc.). Wostok lives and works as a free­lance artist in Sombor and Vršac in Serbia.

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