Zoltán Fritz


1974 in Kecskemét / Hungary. Studied at the Hungarian Academy for Applied Arts. He is active in a wide array of artis­tic endeav­ours: ceram­ics, illus­tra­tion, ani­ma­tion. Various tele­vi­sion sta­tions broad­cast his ani­ma­tions. He devel­ops and designs sto­ry­boards for adver­tis­ing agen­cies. He teach­es the skills nec­es­sary for ani­ma­tion at the Illyés Academy of Arts in Budaörs. In 2004 he co-found­ed the Hungarian Comics Academy, which he now directs. In 2011 he received the dis­tinc­tion of Hungarian com­ic book artist of the year. He will teach at the Corvin Drawing School, sched­uled to open soon. He lives in Budapest.

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