Zoran Herceg

Zoran Herceg

Born in 1979 in Sarajevo. He fin­ished art school in Switzerland and grad­u­at­ed from the Brera Academy of fine arts in Milan (Italy). In 2007 he came back to Sarajevo where he still works and lives. For five years he worked as an art direc­tor in the mar­ket­ing agency McCANN Sarajevo. At the present moment, he works as a design­er and con­sul­tant in a field of visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion and he is occu­pied with activist illus­tra­tions and car­i­ca­tures. He exhib­it­ed his paint­ings, assem­blages, ready-mades and per­formed in a num­ber of solo exhi­bi­tions in Switzerland, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He makes his guer­ril­la exhi­bi­tions in the streets of Sarajevo and he pub­lish­es his com­ic Ti i tvoj Crnjak (You and Your Blue) on his Facebook page.
