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The Art&Music Festival (A&M) since its begin­nings in 1993 has pro­mot­ed the mul­ti­cul­tur­al idea of Istria and Croatia for mul­ti­ple plat­forms and media, main­ly comics and music. During the war years, A&M act­ed as an extreme­ly rare coun­ter­bal­ance to the pre­dom­i­nant atti­tude in the coun­try, which aggres­sive­ly prop­a­gat­ed the uncom­pro­mis­ing cer­e­mo­ni­al cul­tures. During this time, the A&M Festival sup­port­ed young artists from the world of music and art and helped enable com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the artis­tic scenes of the for­mer nations, always with a view to edu­ca­tion­al pro­grammes and ped­a­gog­i­cal work with young peo­ple. In 2003, the Art&Music Festival opened its doors for the 17th time. Since 2012 it has offered for free the Epidemija (Epidemia) pub­li­ca­tion, the result of their comics and jour­nal­ism workshop.

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