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Metelkova is a renowned alter­na­tive cul­ture com­mu­ni­ty in the cen­tre of Ljubljana. It occu­pies the space of the for­mer Austro-Hungarian mil­i­tary bar­racks, and it was Œ rst con­ceived in 1990 when 200 part­ner organ­i­sa­tions came togeth­er to pro­pose a cre­ative and peace­ful use for the space avail­able. Today Metelkova con­sists of sev­en build­ings and 12.500 m², com­pris­ing a for­mer prison (now the Celica Hostel), sev­er­al clubs, art gal­leries, etc. Metelkova hosts Ljubljana’s only gay and les­bian clubs and o’ ers eth­nic, sex­u­al and oth­er minori­ties the chance to socialise open­ly. Metelkova has endured through many threats of com­mer­cial devel­op­ment and it has done so with the cre­ativ­i­ty and ener­gy of the many indi­vid­u­als who have had to oppose polit­i­cal force with phys­i­cal, yet non-vio­lent, resis­tance. Today its best line of defense is a non­stop events sched­ule and its great pop­u­lar­i­ty. Metelkova often draws com­par­isons to Copenhagen’s Freetown Christiania.
