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ŠKVER! found­ed by Dunja Janković in 2010 is an exper­i­men­tal art project and fringe art hap­pen­ing every year in June, con­sist­ing of a work­shop and addi­tion­al events in and around the ship­yards of Mali Lošinj, Croatia. Shipbuilding is the biggest indus­try on the island of Lošinj, employ­ing more than 150 peo­ple. Many hun­dreds of ships have been repaired and built in a peri­od of more than 160 years, from wood­en sail­ing ships to steel ships, more recent­ly. This ‘indus­tri­al oasis’ plays a star­ring role in this art project as an inspi­ra­tion, plat­form, and fer­tile ground for artis­tic actions and reac­tions. More than 30 artists, a cou­ple of guest fes­ti­vals, and col­lec­tives from Croatia and abroad par­tic­i­pate every year, cre­at­ing with the com­plete free­dom to choose places to work inside the ship­yard, and the free­dom to choose their motif and medi­um. Other than the work­shop, the fes­ti­val also includes pro­jec­tions of ani­ma­tions, exhi­bi­tions, per­for­mances, music shows and parties.
