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Stripburger is a mul­ti­lin­gual, inter­na­tion­al and worl­drenowned comics mag­a­zine, pub­lished in Slovenia since 1992. In its 20 years of exis­tence it has tire­less­ly fos­tered and pro­mot­ed new and upcom­ing car­toon­ists, and has also reg­u­lar­ly fea­tured work by the fore­most comics artists from all around the globe. But Stripburger is more than just a mag­a­zine: its edi­tors and authors push the enve­lope of the Slovenian art land­scape, and reg­u­lar­ly orga­nize work­shops, lec­tures and exhi­bi­tions, con­tests and jam ses­sions. Stripburger inhibits two forms: the first one is its reg­u­lar issues, appear­ing twice per year. Its sec­ond form are the spe­cial edi­tions, which appear spo­rad­i­cal­ly, are more exten­sive, and address var­i­ous topics.
