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STRIPITI Fest is the annu­al event of the organ­i­sa­tion Drugi ugao, last­ing 3 – 4 days and usu­al­ly host­ing com­ic book authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Germany. The focus is on qual­i­ty sto­ry telling in com­ic book form, but also on oth­er visu­al arts and media, whether main­stream or under­ground. Previous guests include Reinhard Kleist, Helena Janečić, Martina Peters, Sonja Gasperov, Uli Oesterle, and Ivana Pipal. In coop­er­a­tion with the Goethe-Institute in Sarajevo, CURE Foundation, as well as the Art Cinema Kriterion, third fes­ti­val was held in July 2015.

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