kArton Galéria

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Founded in Budapest in 2001 as a non-com­mer­cial gallery to increase the pop­u­lar­i­ty of comics and car­i­ca­ture. Over time, the kArton Gallery has expand­ed its spec­trum of con­tem­po­rary art and pho­tog­ra­phy. It intro­duces works by estab­lished and unknown artists alike. The exhi­bi­tions change month­ly and present both Hungarian and inter­na­tion­al artists. The gallery is much more than just an exhi­bi­tion space. The Képregény Kedvelok Klubja (Comics Fan Club) holds its meet­ings here. Special pro­grams are tai­lored to chil­dren. The Caricature Academy o› ers a  sem­i­nar series in the gallery space for 2012–2013.
