Drugi ugao


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Organisation Drugi ugao (Second Angle) was reg­is­tered in 2011 by three com­ic book enthu­si­asts Esmir Prlja (artist), Filip Andronik (artist) and Emir Pašanović (writer, enthu­si­ast). It is a con­tin­u­a­tion of their pre­vi­ous work in orga­niz­ing com­ic book days which host­ed some of the most impor­tant authors and pub­lish­ers in the region. It is based in Sarajevo, but has already organ­ised exhi­bi­tions and com­ic book work­shops across the coun­try. Drugi ugao mem­bers have par­tic­i­pat­ed in inter­na­tion­al exhi­bi­tions in Italy, the Netherlands, Serbia and Croatia, and in 2012, in coop­er­a­tion with the pub­lish­er Agarthi Comics they pub­lished the col­lec­tion of best Bosnian comics ZBiRKA.
