Studentski Kulturni Centar Novi Sad (SKCNS)

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Student Cultural Centre of Novi Sad (SKCNS) has pub­lished comics and graph­ic short sto­ries since 2001, when Jovan Gvero was made an edi­tor of the cen­tre. SKCNS is also a pub­lish­er of a mag­a­zine for lit­er­a­ture and com­ic North Bunker (Severni Bunker) and, togeth­er with that, it orga­nizes Bunker Fest. So far, it has pub­lished the comics of many authors from Serbia, some of them being Maja Veselinović, Wostok, Aleksandar Zograf, Vladan Nikolić, Dušan Durman. Since 2007, SKCNS has orga­nized the Novi Sad Comic Strip Weekend, which con­sists of exhi­bi­tions, pre­sen­ta­tions of new com­ic edi­tions and com­ic fes­ti­vals from the coun­try and the region, dis­cus­sions, work­shops, and the auc­tion­ing of comics, as well as con­certs and film projections.
