

Beate Wild

Arinda Crăciun, Matija Drozdek, Anna Gabai, Aljaž Kovač, Szilvia Kovács, Manca Grgić Renko, Jelena Vukmanović

Žiga Aljaž, Ivana Armanini, Kaja Avberšek, András Baranyai, Linda Barkász, Matjaž Bertoncelj, Primož Bertoncelj, Matei Branea, Navid Bulbulija, Nina Bunjevac, Andreea Chirică, Alexandru Ciubotariu, Dániel Csordás, Cristian Dârstar, Admir Delić, Marko Dješka, Dušan Durman, Miklós Felvidéki, fra pio, Zoltán Fritz,  Alexandra Gavrilă, Balázs Gróf, Ana Maria Guguian, Zoran Herceg, Igor Hofbauer, Ciril Horjak, Irlo, Dunja Janković, Helena Janečić, Irena Jukić-Pranjić, Jakob Klemenčič, Matej Kocjan, David Krančan, Miran Križanić, Mátyás Lanczinger, Tomaž Lavrič, Miroslav Lazendić — dr Gnoj, Oana Lohan, Izar Lunaček, Mistik, Neuro & Mucs, Vladan Nikolić, Aleksandar Opačić, Vladimir Palibrk, Vuk Palibrk, Damir Pavić-Septic, Saša Perić, Mircea Pop, Radovan Raša Popović, Branko Rakić, Vančo Rebac, Kostja Ribnik, Iztok Sitar, Veronica Solomon, Boris Stanić, Attila Stark, Damir Steinfl, Ileana Surducan, Maria Surducan, Nicolae Timotei Drob, Sorina Vazelina, Zsolt Vidák, Wostok, Aleksandar Zograf, Miro Župa

Domagoj Blažević, Dušan Bracić, Tatjana Ivegeš-Wilhelm, Tomislav Kalousek, kAr­ton Galéria, Anja Kovač, Szilvia Kovács, Borut Peterlin, Iztok Sitar, Stripburger, Nemanja Vukmanović, Beate Wild et al.

Xaver Victor Schneider

Stefan Bönisch

Beate Wild

Octav Avramescu, Emese Benkő, Adriana Bogdan, Davorin Dernovšek, Sonja Dolžan, Iulia Dondorici, Maja Erdeljan, Ilona Fogarasi, Darija Huzimec, András Juhász, Tatjana Jurišić, Tina Karče, Kata Katz, Anja Kovač, Bojan Krivokapić, Nina Lišnić, Hannah Marquardt, Ivana Olujić, Emir Pašanović, Anne Popiel, Krisztina Rácz, Emese Rajsli, Mirela Rožajac-Zulčić, Tijana Simonović, Nicolae Stanciu, Lane Stopher, Ivana Teronić Oruč, Igor Ungur, Josip Visković, Réka Werner, Claudia Zimmermann, Medve A. Zoltán

Wolfgang Davis et al.

büro für gestal­tung bg5, Hajduk, hruby

Jörn Nuber

Dušan Bracić, Benedikt Frisse-Bremann, Nemanja Vukmanović

Filip Andronik, Octav Avramescu, Zsuzsi Benkő, Lazar Bodroža, Marko Božinoski, Aleksander Buh, Snežana Ćuru­vija, Branko Đukić, Jovan Gvero, Ivan Hajek, Tatjana Ivegeš-Wilhelm, Danijela Jovanović, Miloš Jovanović, Miroslav Karić, Anca Lăzărescu, Daniela Mamuzić, Johanna Marcadé, Mileta Mijatović, Katerina Mirović, Violeta Mrdaković, Fabian Mühlthaler, Emir Pašanović, Anamaria Pravicencu, Saša Prpić, Damir Rijovich Originalov, Marija Samardžić, Aleksandra Sekulić, Attila Sirbik, Branimir Slijepčević, Damir Šmit

comiXcon­nec­tion is a project of the Coordination East Central and Southeast Europe at the Museum of European Cultures, National Museums Berlin, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation.

SUPPORTED BY Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media)

 BKM Logo

Koordinierung Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa
am Museum Europäischer Kulturen – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
(The Centre for East-Central and Southeastern Europe at the Museum of European Cultures – National Museums Berlin)

Im Winkel 8
D‑14195 Berlin
T +49(0)30 266 42 68 13


The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz are active­ly work­ing to ensure that the con­tent of these inter­net pages is cor­rect and up-to-date. Nevertheless, small mis­takes or irreg­u­lar­i­ties can­not be com­plete­ly avoid­ed. The National Museums in Berlin do not take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the cur­rent­ness, cor­rect­ness, com­plete­ness or qual­i­ty of the infor­ma­tion provided.

The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz are not liable for mate­r­i­al or imma­te­r­i­al dam­ages caused by using or not using the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed, or caused direct­ly or indi­rect­ly by using faulty or incom­plete infor­ma­tion, in so far as they can­not be proved to be at fault for hav­ing act­ed wil­ful­ly or with gross neg­li­gence. The same applies to soft­ware avail­able for free downloads.

All offers are not bind­ing and sub­ject to alter­ation with­out notice. The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz explic­it­ly reserve the right to alter, sup­ple­ment or delete parts or the whole of the web­site’s con­tent, or to tem­porar­i­ly or com­plete­ly dis­con­tin­ue pub­li­ca­tion with­out fur­ther notice. The lia­bil­i­ty for “exter­nal con­tent” — offered for instance through direct or indi­rect links to oth­er web providers and pages — pre­sup­pos­es a pos­i­tive knowl­edge of any ille­gal or crim­i­nal con­tent. Features of “exter­nal con­tent” are marked in suit­able fash­ion. The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz have no influ­ence what­so­ev­er on “exter­nal con­tent” and do not endorse any of this con­tent. The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz pos­sess no pos­i­tive knowl­edge about ille­gal or illic­it con­tent on pages of oth­er providers which can be reached through links on their web­site. However, if these linked pages do con­tain ille­gal or illic­it con­tent, the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz explic­it­ly dis­as­so­ci­ate them­selves from this content.

The Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz make all efforts to respect in all pub­li­ca­tions the copy­right of images, audio fea­tures, video sequences and texts, to use their own images, audio fea­tures, video sequences and text, or to use images, audio fea­tures, video sequences and texts from the pub­lic domain. All trade marks men­tioned on this web­site and (where applic­a­ble) pro­tect­ed by third par­ties are with­out restric­tions sub­ject to the reg­u­la­tions of the appro­pri­ate trade mark reg­is­tra­tion law and the prop­er­ty rights of the indi­vid­ual reg­is­tered own­er. The mere men­tion of a trade mark must not lead to the con­clu­sion that it is not pro­tect­ed by the rights of third parties!

The copy­right for pub­lished objects devel­oped by the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz them­selves remains only with the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The dupli­ca­tion or appro­pri­a­tion of such images, audio fea­tures, video sequences and texts in oth­er elec­tron­ic or print­ed pub­li­ca­tions is pro­hib­it­ed unless explic­it per­mis­sion has been grant­ed.
Legal Effect of this Disclaimer

This dis­claimer is inte­gral part of the web­site on which you found the link to this page. If any part or the whole of this text does not, no longer or not com­plete­ly com­ply with the effec­tive legal posi­tion, the oth­er parts of the doc­u­ment remain unaf­fect­ed in their con­tent and their valid­i­ty. Legal Advice on Copyright the lay­out of the home­page, the images used and all oth­er con­tent are pro­tect­ed by copyright.


Every time a user access­es a page of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin — Preußischer Kulturbesitz web­site and every time a file is request­ed, data about this occur­rence is tem­porar­i­ly saved and processed in a log file. Here is a list of the data that is saved each time some­one access­es our site or requests files from it:- IP address/DNS name,- date and time of request,- page requested/name of request­ed file,- vol­ume of data trans­mit­ted,- oper­at­ing sys­tem used,- brows­er used,- suc­cess sta­tus — whether request was suc­cess­ful. This data is assessed for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­pos­es only so that we can improve our range of online ser­vices. The infor­ma­tion is not used for any oth­er pur­pose and is not dis­closed or passed on to a third party.

When vis­it­ing indi­vid­ual pages, ses­sion cook­ies are used tem­porar­i­ly to make it eas­i­er to nav­i­gate around the site. These cook­ies expire when the ses­sion is closed and do not con­tain per­son­al data. Programs such as Java Applets or ActiveX con­trols, which make it pos­si­ble to track access infor­ma­tion on the user, are not used.

Data Protection on this Website

The Centre for East-Central and Southeastern Europe has been a part of the Museum of European Cultures – National Museums in Berlin.

The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz places great impor­tance on han­dling your per­son­al data in a respon­si­ble man­ner. To this end, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion will outline:

• why the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin col­lects and stores data
• what rights users of this web­site have
• how the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin col­lects data and which data it retains
• which kinds of cook­ies are used on the web­site of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
• how you can object to or avoid the col­lec­tion of your per­son­al data
• who is respon­si­ble for this web­site and its data pri­va­cy policies

1. Why does the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin col­lect data and uti­lize user analy­sis software?

As a gen­er­al rule, we col­lect and use per­son­al data relat­ed to our users only to the extent that this is nec­es­sary for us to ensure the func­tion­al­i­ty of the web­site and to deliv­er our con­tent and ser­vices. For exam­ple, it is nec­es­sary for our sys­tem to tem­porar­i­ly save a user’s IP address in order to facil­i­tate a sta­ble and secure deliv­ery of the web­site to the com­put­er of the user. To this end, it is nec­es­sary to save the anonymized IP address of the user for the dura­tion of 7 days. This data is erased as soon as it is no longer nec­es­sary
The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin car­ry out analy­sis of the ways users inter­act with this web­site. This pro­vides us with infor­ma­tion to improve our online pres­ence. This includes, for exam­ple, know­ing how often par­tic­u­lar aspects on a web­site are clicked on, or which browsers are used to view the site. The data that is saved for this is anonymized or pseu­do- anonymized, and is used by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin exclu­sive­ly for the pur­pos­es of sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis. The data is not used for any oth­er pur­pose, nor is it passed on to third parties.

2. What rights do users have on our website?

In rela­tion to per­son­al data and our web­site, you have the fol­low­ing rights, as defined by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation:

• the right of access (art. 15 GDPR),
• the right of noti­fi­ca­tion and era­sure (art. 16&17 GDPR),
• the right to restric­tion of pro­cess­ing (art. 18 GDPR),
• the right to object against pro­cess­ing (art. 21 GDPR),
• the right to data porta­bil­i­ty (art. 20)

Additionally, you have the right to make a com­plaint to a data pri­va­cy reg­u­lat­ing body about the way we have processed your per­son­al data (art. 77 GDPR). For the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) is the rel­e­vant body.

3. What data is collected?

a) Website func­tion­al­i­ty and cre­ation of log files
With every vis­it to our web­site, our sys­tem auto­mat­i­cal­ly col­lects data and infor­ma­tion from the com­put­er sys­tem of the com­put­er pro­duc­ing the traf­fic. The pro­cess­ing of this per­son­al infor­ma­tion is reg­u­lat­ed by art. 6 para. 1f of the GDPR. The fol­low­ing data is collected:

IP address­es
• Log files
• Inventory data, traf­fic data and con­tent data of the web­site
• Error protocols

Log files allow web­site oper­a­tors to mon­i­tor activ­i­ties on their web­sites. The access logs of the web serv­er keep a record of when each par­tic­u­lar page was vis­it­ed. This includes the fol­low­ing data: IP address, direc­to­ry pro­tec­tion users, date, time, pages vis­it­ed, pro­to­cols, sta­tus codes, data size, refer­rer, user agent, host name used.
Our web­site is stored on a serv­er belong­ing to the com­pa­ny Strato AG. Strato AG saves data for the fol­low­ing peri­ods of time:

• The IP address­es are saved in anonymized form. For this, the final three dig­its are removed, that is, becomes 127.0.0.*. IPv6 address­es are like­wise made anony­mous. These anonymized IP address­es are saved for 7 days. Information about the direc­to­ry pro­tec­tion user will be made anony­mous after one day.
• Error logs that mon­i­tor failed site vis­its are delet­ed after sev­en days. Along with the error notice, these include the IP address access­ing the site and, depend­ing on the kind of error, the web­site being accessed.
• Visits via FTPs are anonymized and saved for 7 days.

b) Which cook­ies does this web­site use?
Cookies are small text files which are saved on your com­put­er when you vis­it a web­site and are accessed by the brows­er you use. Cookies allow infor­ma­tion to be exchanged between com­put­er pro­grammes or to be saved for a lim­it­ed time. Specific infor­ma­tion is trans­mit­ted to our site from the saved cook­ies. However they are unable to oper­ate a pro­gramme or trans­fer virus­es to your computer.

Cookies can only be saved if you have autho­rized this in your brows­er set­tings. Therefore, as a user, you also have full con­trol over the use of cook­ies. By chang­ing your set­tings in your inter­net brows­er, you can deac­ti­vate or lim­it the trans­mis­sion of cook­ies. Cookies that have already been saved can be delet­ed at any time. This can be done auto­mat­i­cal­ly.
With every vis­it to a web­site, and every time you access a file online, it is typ­i­cal for browsers to trans­mit data. The pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data is reg­u­lat­ed by art. 6, para. 1f of the GDPR. Of the data that is trans­mit­ted when you vis­it this web­site, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin save the fol­low­ing information:

• Browser type/version
• Operating sys­tem
• Referrer URL
• Date and time of the serv­er inquiry
• Page(s) vis­it­ed and file(s) accessed
• Amount of data trans­mit­ted
• Anonymized/pseudo-anonymized IP address
• Country of ori­gin
• Notification of whether the attempt at access was successful.

The web­site of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin uses cook­ies very spar­ing­ly. This means that you can gen­er­al­ly also view the web­site with­out cookies.

• Part of the cook­ies we use (so-called tran­sient cook­ies) guar­an­tee that the web­site func­tions seam­less­ly. The valid­i­ty of these cook­ies is lim­it­ed to the indi­vid­ual web ses­sion. As soon as you shut down your brows­er, these so-called “ses­sion cook­ies” are deleted.

c) Which data is saved in the event of dig­i­tal inquiries by email or using a con­tact form?
For mail inquiries or con­tact via an online form, you are required to enter spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion so that the Centre for East-Central and Southeastern Europe can con­tact you or send you the doc­u­ments you have request­ed. The pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data is reg­u­lat­ed by art. 6 para. 1a of the GDPR.

d) Images and videos of indi­vid­u­als on the web­site
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has strength­ened the rights of affect­ed indi­vid­u­als. It is pos­si­ble that there are old­er images or videos on our web­site that show peo­ple who did not give their con­sent to be pho­tographed or record­ed. If this affects you, then you have “the right to with­draw [your] con­sent at any time”.

e) Presence on online chan­nels and incor­po­ra­tion of ser­vices and con­tent from third par­ties
Online chan­nels of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
We are active on social media and plat­forms with our own pro­files, in order to com­mu­ni­cate with vis­i­tors, inter­est­ed indi­vid­u­als and users, and to inform them about our ser­vices.
You can find details about how user data is man­aged in Facebook’s data pri­va­cy pol­i­cy, at:, Opt-Out: und, Privacy Shield:
It is cur­rent­ly unclear whether or not Facebook com­plies with the lev­el of pro­tec­tion required by the European Union in rela­tion to per­son­al data. In light of this, the use of Facebook pos­es a risk in terms of data pri­va­cy.
Details about how user data is man­aged on YouTube are avail­able in their data pol­i­cy, at:, Opt-Out:, Privacy Shield:

For embed­ding and dis­play­ing video con­tent, our web­site uses plu­g­ins from YouTube. The provider of this video por­tal is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.
When vis­it­ing a page with a YouTube plu­g­in inte­grat­ed into it, a con­nec­tion to the YouTube servers is pro­duced. Through this, YouTube receives infor­ma­tion about which of our pages you have vis­it­ed.
If you are logged into your YouTube account, YouTube can direct­ly con­nect your inter­net activ­i­ty with your per­son­al pro­file. By log­ging out in advance, you are able to pre­vent this from occur­ring.
We use YouTube in the inter­ests of deliv­er­ing a dynam­ic pre­sen­ta­tion of our online con­tent. This is con­sid­ered a jus­ti­fied inter­est as out­lined by art. 6 para. 1f of the GDPR.
Details about how user data is man­aged on YouTube are avail­able in their data pol­i­cy at:
Incorporation of oth­er ser­vices and exter­nal con­tent
This web­site incor­po­rates exter­nal con­tent, an exam­ple being audio record­ings from VoiceRepublic, or ePaper from Yumpu. This requires the providers of this con­tent (here­after referred to as “third par­ty providers”) to process the IP address­es of users, since with­out the IP address, they could not send the con­tent to the brows­er of the user. We make an effort to only use con­tent for which the provider uses IP address­es of users exclu­sive­ly for con­tent pro­vi­sion. However we have no pow­er to pre­vent third par­ty providers from using the IP address­es for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­pos­es, for exam­ple. If we know that such prac­tices are occur­ring, we make users aware of it.

4. Who is respon­si­ble for con­tent and main­te­nance, and who looks after data pro­tec­tion?

For this web­site, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz, legal­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Prof Dr Hermann Parzinger, President of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, is respon­si­ble for data protection.

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz
General Directorate
Stauffenbergstraße 41
10785 Berlin

Telephone: +49 (0)30 2660
Email: kommunikation[at]

For ques­tions relat­ing to data pro­tec­tion, the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz has a Data Protection Officer whom you can con­tact at our afore­men­tioned postal address, addressed to the “Datenschutzbeauftragte”. Alternatively, you can con­tact them at:

Email: Datenschutzbeauftragte[at] 
Website of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz:

5. Changes to the Data Protection Policy

The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin reserves the right to adapt this pol­i­cy to meet tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ments and changes to legal frame­works. The date of the most recent ver­sion of this data pro­tec­tion pol­i­cy can be found at the end of this notice.

Date: June 2018