András Baranyai


* 1974 in Debrecen / Hungary. Studied visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the University for Decorative Art and Design in Budapest. Graphic design­er, illus­tra­tor and com­ic book author. He has illus­trat­ed numer­ous chil­drens‘ books and text­books. He has retold famous fairy­tales like Little Red Riding Hood (Piroska és a farkas) in new ways with his illus­tra­tions. In his image / text com­po­si­tions he com­bines tra­di­tion­al with new­er design ele­ments and styles, exper­i­ments with com­ic ele­ments, for­goes text entire­ly or even includes sign lan­guage. His books have been rec­og­nized nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly. He illus­trates for the jour­nal Roham, among oth­ers, which inspired him to draw comics. He cur­rent­ly lives in Budapest.

Andras Baranyai