Boris Stanić


* 1984 in Pančevo / Serbia. Studied at the Belgrade Academy of Art. He began read­ing comics as a child, inspired by his father who is still a huge fan of comics. Only after com­plet­ing his stud­ies, how­ev­er, did he dis­cov­er comics as his artis­tic medi­um. From that point on, he has nev­er stopped draw­ing. His sto­ries inter­twine per­son­al expe­ri­ences, emo­tions, his­tor­i­cal con­texts and Serbian myths. Stanić prefers rough ink sketch­es using old, worn brush­es and quill pens. Exhibitions and pub­li­ca­tions have earned him inter­na­tion­al atten­tion (Radosav – Morning Fog, The Swamp). He cur­rent­ly lives in Pančevo.

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