Domonkos Erhardt

Domonkos Erhardt was born in Budapest in 1991. Drawing and the attrac­tion to ani­ma­tion as an art form has been present in his life since child­hood. As a mem­ber of the Hungarian Comic Academy, he had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in a lot of comics antholo­gies as an illus­tra­tor. He con­tin­ued his stud­ies on MOME and start­ed an MA to become an ani­ma­tion direc­tor. He sees the future in his stu­dio, PIROS Animation, of which he is a co-founder. It is a small indie col­lec­tive in which they focus on small­er projects where they can use their own voice and ani­ma­tion style.