Maria Surducan

TEXTOHREN RO - RZ.inddMaria Surducan 52* 1985 in Cluj-Napoca / Romania. M.A. in graph­ic arts from the University for Art and Design in Cluj. First comics read­ing at the French Cultural Centre in Cluj. Since cre­at­ing her first pan­els for Glorioasa Fanzină, she has drawn and shared her pas­sion with a grow­ing audi­ence. She draws her sto­ries, anec­dotes and fairy­tales tra­di­tion­al­ly (ink, mark­er) as well as dig­i­tal­ly. Her works have appeared in numer­ous comics albums, antholo­gies and fanzines in Romania, France and Italy. Shows in Cluj, Vasto (Italy) and New York. Active with the Comic Club Cluj, Bitta Generation (Italy) and 30 jours de BD (France). She works as graph­ic design­er, illus­tra­tor and comics author.