Tomaž Lavrič


Born in Ljubljana in 1964. He stud­ied paint­ing and soon start­ed to pub­lish in Mladina, a promi­nent Slovenian week­ly, where he now works full-time as car­toon­ist and illus­tra­tor. His comics exhib­it a remark­able range of sub­ject mat­ter and tech­nique: some­times he deals with social and polit­i­cal issues, oth­er times he resorts to reck­less humour; some­times his comics are drawn in a real­is­tic man­ner, oth­er times in a more abstract line. Lavrič is one of the very few Slovenian car­toon­ists who have made a sig­nif­i­cant break­through abroad; he is the god­fa­ther of Slovenian inde­pen­dent comics and con­tin­ues to be one of its dri­ving forces.

Lavric 33