Žiga Aljaž


 Born in 1983 in Ljubljana, where he stud­ied visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. He start­ed out as a graf­fi­ti and street art artist, but also found great suc­cess as a car­toon­ist: apart from many comics, which he pub­lished in var­i­ous mag­a­zines, he merged web inter­ac­tion with com­ic books and cre­at­ed Stripgenerator, a web­site which enables its users to cre­ate their own comics. Today it has more than 150.000 mem­bers. Aljaž’s style is very effi­cient: his imagery is almost geo­met­ri­cal, but also very clean and ele­gant. He is also a promi­nent design­er and illustrator.

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