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5Panels, a group of Hungarian com­ic cre­ators, was estab­lished in 2010 by comics artists who had already self-pub­lished sev­er­al com­ic books. At first their goal was to cre­ate an online port­fo­lio site, but soon the project evolved into the reg­u­lar pub­li­ca­tion of antholo­gies and exper­i­men­tal works with com­mon themes. The busó char­ac­ters, super­heroes mod­eled on super­nat­ur­al beings of Hungarian folk­lore, were intro­duced to the audi­ence in one of these antholo­gies. These crea­tures lat­er became the trade­mark char­ac­ters of the group.

5Panels is cur­rent­ly the most active comics pub­lish­ing group in Hungary with at least one new pub­li­ca­tion for each event. EpicLine, a mile­stone in the his­to­ry of Hungarian comics, has emerged from this unique back­ground.  Created and sup­port­ed by 5Panels mem­bers, EpicLine is the first and only Hungarian month­ly mag­a­zine in our tiny comics scene.


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