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C.A.T. (Comics and Animation Festival in Timişoara) is the only fes­ti­val in west­ern Romania cov­er­ing the entire spec­trum of inter­ests of a gen­er­a­tion that defi nes itself by its graph­i­cal forms of expres­sion. The fes­ti­val pro­gram off ers work­shops for ani­ma­tion and comics geared towards chil­dren as well as adult lovers of the genre, along with cos­tume role-plays (cos­plays) and the­atre pieces per­form­ing comics scripts on the live stage. The cul­tur­al soci­ety Spacetrip plans to invite to every fes­ti­val artists and cul­tur­al man­agers from var­i­ous coun­tries  such as e.g. Serbia, France, Portugal, Hungary and Italy.


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