Glorioasa Fanzină

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In December 2008, Ileana and Maria Surducan began their work for — as the name recalls — this ‘glo­ri­ous’ comics jour­nal (it is, after all, a fanzine). Their aim is to pro­mote this type of mag­a­zine in Romania, while at the same time dis­tanc­ing them­selves marked­ly from com­mer­cial pub­li­ca­tions. Glorioasa Fanzină has grown to become a trend-set­ter, inspir­ing ama­teurs in turn to pub­lish oth­er comics fanzines like Deus ex Machina in Poland and Co-mix­er in Bulgaria. At the moment, Glorioasa Fanzină is the only pub­li­ca­tion for exper­i­men­tal comics in Cluj. It is now off ered nation­wide in the Cărtureşti book­store, as well as in the Fabrica de Pensule, a for­mer paint­brush fac­to­ry in Cluj, and the book­store Jumătatea plină (The Full Half) in Bucharest. The jour­nal has up to this point worked with col­lab­o­ra­tors from Cluj, Târgu Mureş and Bucharest, as well as France, Ireland, Poland and Bulgaria.


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