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Between 2002 and 2006, the annu­al International Festival of Author’s Comic GRRR! was orga­nized in dif­fer­ent loca­tions in Pančevo. The fes­ti­val end­ed in 2007 with the exhi­bi­tion GRRR!Finale. From 2008, this ini­tia­tive, start­ed by the coop­er­a­tion of Saša Rakezić (alias Aleksandar Zograf) and the Cultural Centre of Pančevo, turned into a series of events, most­ly ded­i­cat­ed to comics, hap­pen­ing incon­sis­tent­ly (more or less once a month) in the exhi­bi­tion space Elektrika. During the years, GRRR!Program pre­sent­ed a large num­ber of com­ic edi­tions, orga­nized talks with authors, work­shops, exhi­bi­tions, pro­jec­tions, and concerts.

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