Muzeul Benzii Desenate

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The Comics Museum is a project spon­sored by the artist Alexandru Ciubotariu. It began in 2011 as an actu­al space fund­ed by the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) along with the Romanian Cultural Institute, the European Consortium of National Cultural Institutes (EUNIC) in Romania, the Belgian Comics Centre in Brussels and the Romanian Association of Comics Enthusiasts. The muse­um was opened on the fourth fl oor of the MNAC. Since then, a series of con­fer­ences, podi­um dis­cus­sions with artists and edi­tors, work­shops, live draw­ing events, pub­lic read­ings and con­certs have tak­en place. On October 16th, 2011, the muse­um closed its doors to the pub­lic, but remained active as an insti­tu­tion. It has devel­oped var­i­ous venues for pro­mot­ing Romanian comics, from pub­li­ca­tions of com­ic books to exhi­bi­tions, work­shops and  conferences.

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