Strip Bumerang

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Strip Bumerang (Strip Boomerang) is an impor­tant Slovenian comics mag­a­zine, notable also because it is not sub­si­dized by the state. Its pub­lish­er and sole Œfinan­cial backer is Vojko Volavšek, a great afi­ciona­do and con­nais­seur of comics. His Bumerang is designed to attract a wide audi­ence and does this in a way sim­i­lar to the for­mer mag­a­zine Stripoteka from Novi sad – its con­cept is there­fore proven and has with­stood the test of time: one longer and full com­ic album, a few short­er episodes, a cou­ple of sin­gle-page, most­ly fun­ny strips, and a hand­ful of excerpts. The month­ly Strip Bumerang also reports on the cur­rent comics events in Slovenia and in the neigh­bour­hood. It there­fore o’ffers a cal­en­dar of events, reviews, news and also pre­sen­ta­tions of domes­tic car­toon­ists and their comics.

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