

Locations of the sec­ond comiXcon­nec­tion tour, start­ing in 2016  »»

• Berlin
• Freiburg
• Stuttgart

Visit comiXcon­nec­tion on face­book,
June 2013 — 2020

Locations of the comiXcon­nec­tion tour June 2013 – October 2015  »»

• Vukovar
• Zagreb
• Šabac
• Sarajevo
• Vršac

• Belgrade
• Pančevo

• Subotica
• Novi Sad

• Osijek
• Budapest
• Pécs
• Cluj-Napoca
• Bucharest
• Timişoara
• Ljubljana
• Pula



After 8 years of trav­el­ling the exhi­bi­tion has come to an end, but the comiXconnection-net­work will continue.

Saturday, 16 October 2021, 8pm
Comics Concert by and with Itay Dvori.
Location | Bibliothek am Luisenbad, Badstraße 39, 13357 Berlin

The com­ic con­cert, post­poned sev­er­al times, has final­ly tak­en place on the evening of 16 October in the Bibliothek am Luisenbad, Berlin. A whole two years after the announce­ment, every­one was very excit­ed about the con­cert with com­po­si­tions to comics from comiXcon­nec­tion. The long wait was real­ly worth it. In addi­tion to sound set­tings of Edmond Baudoin’s “Le Voyage,” Shaun Tan’s “The Arrival,” and oth­er pieces from his reper­toire Itay Dvori played his new com­po­si­tions to 6 sto­ries drawn by Slovenian, Croatian, Hungarian and Czech artists. One of the high­lights was the sto­ry It was writ­ten by David Krančan, whose pan­els are not arranged one after the oth­er like in a movie, but one big pic­ture con­tains already all sequences, which the view­er has to approach step by step.

And for the first time, Ileana Surducan’s ani­mat­ed com­ic Precious Present was on show, set to music by Itay Dvori. Fascinating how the music inten­si­fied the plot ten­sion and final­ly led to a — sur­pris­ing — end­ing after a dra­mat­ic course. The whole con­cert has been a fit­ting end to a long-run­ning project.

Filmstills from the Comics Concert: 


•  13.09.2019 — 30.05.2021 | Berlin
Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Arnimallee 25
14195 Berlin

Saturday, 22 August 2020, 7pm
Hallertau – Seasonal Work in Times of Covid-19
Artist talk about mak­ing a com­ic diary
Lockdown in spring 2020: Every evening sci­ence jour­nal­ist Alexandra Hamann keeps diary about her sea­son­al work spon­ta­neous­ly start­ed on hop farms in Bavarian Hallertau. She sends texts and pho­tos to com­ic artist Julia Kluge, who trans­forms the episodes into colour­ful pan­els from a dis­tance (https://mintwissen.com/hopfen). The artist talk will give an insight into the mak­ing of and back­grounds of the com­ic diary and this par­tic­u­lar way of artis­tic coop­er­a­tion.
In good weath­er the artist talk will take place in the museum’s gar­den.
Admission from 6pm, the com­ic can be read in the exhi­bi­tion.
Please reg­is­ter at mek@smb.spk-berlin.de (lim­it­ed atten­dance)
Facebook Link: Hallertau – Seasonal Work in Times of Covid-19

Wednesday, 11 March 2020, 7pm

Kino Moviemento, Kottbusser Damm 22, 10967 Berlin
Film evening
The Final Adventure of Kaktus Kid, Serbia 2018, 62 min, D: Đorđe Marković.
Comic-artist Aleksandar Zograf inves­ti­gates the life of Veljko Kockar, a lit­tle known artist who cre­at­ed Kaktus Kid in Belgrade dur­ing WW II.
Screening and Q&A with Aleksandar Zograf and Ivan Petrović. Admission is free. In coop­er­a­tion with the German Comics Association. Please reg­is­ter at lilian.pithan[at]deutscher-comicverein.de

Saturday – Sunday, 8–9 February 2020, 11am – 6pm
Comics Journalism Workshop at the MEK
Journalists and com­ic artists come togeth­er to exam­ine through words and images how muse­ums across Europe reflect cur­rent cul­tur­al and social process­es of trans­for­ma­tion.
In coop­er­a­tion with the German Comics Association http://deutscher-comicverein.de/workshop-comicjournalismus-museum/



• 19.01 — 09.03.2017 | Freiburg
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
University Library Freiburg
Platz der Universität 2
79098 Freiburg

• 19.01 — 09.03.2017 | Freiburg
Institutsbibliothek Medienkulturwissenschaft der Universität Freiburg
Werthmannstr. 16, 1st floor
79085 Freiburg

• 09.02 — 09.03.2017 | Freiburg
Kommunales Kino im Alten Wiehrebahnhof
Urachstraße 40
79102 Freiburg


03.03 — 02.04.2016 | Stuttgart
Ungarisches Kulturinstitut Stuttgart
Hungarian Culture Institute
Haußmannstraße 22
70188 Stuttgart



07.10 — 31.10.2015 | Vukovar
Gradski Muzej Vukovar – Dvorac Eltz
City Museum Vukovar – Eltz Manor
Županijska 2
32000 Vukovar


10.09 — 01.10.2015 | Zagreb
Galerija Nova
Teslina 7
10000 Zagreb


•  30.07 — 04.09.2015 | Šabac
Međuopštinski istori­js­ki arhiv Šabac
Vojvode Mišića 18a
15000 Šabac


•  04.07 — 25.07.2015 | Sarajevo
Umjetnička galer­i­ja Bosne i Hercegovine
Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zelenih beret­ki 8
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina


•  20.05 — 29.06.2015 | Vršac
Dom omla­dine Vršac
Dvorska 28
26300 Vršac


•  04.05 — 16.05.2015 | Belgrade
Galerija Progres
Knez Mihailova 27
11000 Beograd


•  01.04 — 30.04.2015 | Pančevo
Foaje bioskopa Vojvodina
(Tržni cen­tar Trubač)
ul. Vojvode Radomira Putnika 1
26000 Pančevo


•  20.02 — 09.03.2015 | Subotica
Galerija dr. Vinko Perčić
Maksima Gorkog 22
24000 Subotica


•  23.01 — 15.02.2015 | Novi Sadplakat
Muzej Savremene umet­nos­ti Vojvodine
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina
Dunavska 37
21000 Novi Sad


• 04.09 — 02.11.2014 | Osijek
Muzej Slavonije Osijek
Trg Svetog Trojstva 6
31000 Osijek


Poster - Budapest• 08.05 — 30.05.2014 | Budapest
kArton Galéria
1054 Budapest
Alkotmány utca 18.

• 08.05 — 05.06.2014 | Budapest
MüSzi – Művelődési Szint
1085 Budapest
Blaha Lujza tér 1. (3rd floor)


04.04 — 04.05.2014 | PécsPecs plakát
Nick Art & Design
Király u.1.
7621 Pécs, Hungary


• 18.02 — 23.03.2014 | Cluj-Napoca
Muzeul de Artă
Palatul Bánffy
Piaţa Unirii nr. 30
400098 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


13.12.2013 — 30.01.2014 | Bucharestplakat
Muzeul Naţional de Artă Contemporană /
National Museum of Contemporary Art

Str. Izvor 2–4, Calea 13 Septembrie,
wing E4 — Parliament Palace
050563 Bucharest, Romania


• 8.11 — 30.11.2013 | Timişoara
Café Text
Bastionul Maria Therezia
Str. Hector
Timişoara, Romania


• 1.10 — 11.10.2013 | LjubljanaPoster
Center urbane kul­ture Kino Šiška
Trg preko­morskih brigad 3
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


• 14.6 — 22.9.2013 | Pula
Muzej suvremene umjet­nos­ti Istre /
Museo d’arte con­tem­po­ranea dell’Istria

Sv. Ivana 1
52100 Pula, Croatia